Cumming Homes


Public Schools in Forsyth County
and Cumming, GA Listed & Ranked

Forsyth County Schools

We've researched and compiled the latest data on all public schools in Forsyth County and Cumming, GA and have listed them here for your convenience. Why? Because many of our visitors and clients use this type of information to help them decide where to buy a home. They realize the importance of living in an area where children can receive a quality education. They also know that living in a nice area with good public schools can help increase demand and property values.

Because no matter how you look at it
a quality education is a smart investment!

The following is a list of Forsyth County Public Schools (elementary schools, middle schools and high schools) listed in descending order according to their recent state rankings.

Forsyth County Public School Rankings
1120 Dahlonega Highway
Cumming, GA 30040
Main: 770-887-2461
Fax: 770-781-6632

Forsyth County Private Schools

School Superintendent: Dr. L.C. (Buster) Evans (

Forsyth County Public School System
Forsyth County Schools - Previous Forsyth County Public Schools Data/Rankings

Forsyth County Public School Rankings*
Elementary School Rankings (out of 1219 schools)
School State
Elementary School
11 100% +2.4 60.0% 0 3.0% u60
Settles Bridge
Elementary School
32 99.5% +2.0 58.0% 0 7.0% u44
Daves Creek
Elementary School
42 99.0% +4.0 63.5% 0 4.0% u134
Johns Creek
Elementary School
43 99.0% n/a 61.5% 0 5.0% n/a
Elementary School
47 99.0% +11.0 49.0% 1 38.0% u538
Big Creek
Elementary School
65 98.5% n/c 56.5% 0 8.0% d33
Elementary School
73 98.5% +3.0 46.5% 0 23.0% u75
Elementary School
76 98.5% +4.5 45.0% 0 28.0% u151
Vickery Creek
Elementary School
93 98.0% n/c 52.5% 0 9.0% d43
Shiloh Point
Elementary School
116 97.5% n/a 59.0% 0 23.0% n/a
Silver City
Elementary School
147 97.0% n/a 56.0% 0 22.0% n/a
Elementary School
180 96.5% -0.5 54.0% 0 14.0% d88
Elementary School
200 96.5% +6.0 35.0% 0 33.0% u242
Elementary School
222 96.0% +7.5 47.5% 0 21.0% u334
Elementary School
296 95.0% +1.5 40.0% 0 35.0% d40
Coal Mountain
Elementary School
361 94.0% -1.0 42.0% 0 28.0% d178

State Rank - State ranking out of the 1219 elementary schools in Georgia. The rank is determined by the Achievement Score. The Percentage Exceeding Standards serves as a tiebreaker. If both of these criteria are equal, there is a tie and the schools are listed with equal rank in alphabetical order by school name.
Achievement Score - Average of: 1. The percentage of students in the school that meet or exceed standards in reading on the third-grade CRCT. 2. The percentage of students in the school that meet or exceed standards in math on the third-grade CRCT.
Point Change - Difference between the New Achievement Score and the Last Achievement Score.
Exceeds Standards - Average of: 1. The percentage of students in the school that exceed standards in reading on the third-grade CRCT. 2. The percentage of students in the school that exceed standards in math on the third-grade CRCT.
Poverty Index - Measures how well a school is performing relative to its poverty rate. A score above zero indicates better than expected performance, below zero indicates lower than expected performance, and zero indicates that the school is performing as expected.
Poverty Rate - The percentage of students eligible to receive free or reduced-price lunch provides an indicator of the poverty level of the students attending the school.
Additional Information - See the legend at the base of these tables for symbol interpretations.

Forsyth County Public School Rankings*
Middle School Rankings (out of 507 schools)
School State
Middle School
6 99.0% -0.5 72.0% 0 3.0% d3
Middle School
12 99.0% +4.5 55.5% 0 17.0% u25
Piney Grove
Middle School
15 98.5% n/a 51.0% 0 25.0% n/a
South Forsyth
Middle School
20 98.0% +3.0 63.5% 0 6.0% u5
Vickery Creek
Middle School
23 98.0% +6.0 51.5% 0 7.0% u50
North Forsyth
Middle School
25 98.0% +4.5 45.5% 0 18.0% u21
Middle School
36 97.0% +4.0 44.0% 0 24.0% u23
Little Mill
Middle School
115 93.0% n/a 35.5% 0 31.0% n/a

State Rank - State ranking out of 507 middle schools in Georgia. The rank is determined by the achievement score. The percentage exceeding standards serves as a tiebreaker. If both of these criteria are equal, there is a tie and the schools are listed with equal rank in alphabetical order by school name.
Achievement Score - Average of: 1. The percentage of students in the school that meet or exceed standards in reading on the eighth-grade CRCT. 2. The percentage of students in the school that meet or exceed standards in math on the eighth-grade CRCT.
Point Change - Difference between the New Achievement Score and the Last Achievement Score.
Exceeds Standards - Average of: 1. The percentage of students in the school that exceed standards in reading on the eighth-grade CRCT. 2. The percentage of students in the school that exceed standards in math on the eighth-grade CRCT.
Poverty Index - Measures how well a school is performing relative to its poverty rate. A score above zero indicates better than expected perfor-mance, below zero indicates lower than expected performance, and zero indicates that the school is performing as expected.
Poverty Rate - The percentage of students eligible to receive free/reduced-price lunch provides an indicator of the poverty level.
Additional Information - See the legend at the base of these tables for symbol interpretations.

Forsyth County Public School Rankings*
High School Rankings (out of 357 schools)
School State
South Forsyth
High School
18 91.7% -5.8 91.0% 0 10.% u32
Forsyth Central
High School
70 81.1% -16.9 81.0% 0 23.0% d28
North Forsyth
High School
74 80.7% -16.3 78.0% 0 19.0% d11

State Rank - State ranking out of 357 high schools in Georgia. The rank is determined by the Achievement Score. The % Exceeds serves as a tiebreaker. If both of these criteria are equal, there is a tie and the schools are listed with equal rank in alphabetical order by school name.
Achievement Score - Average of: 1. The percentage of students in the school that score in the Meets/Exceeds range in English Language Arts. 2. The percentage of students in the school that score in the Meets/Exceeds range in math on the Georgia High School Graduation Test.
Point Change - Difference between the New Achievement Score and the Last Achievement Score.
Exceeds Standards - Average of: 1. The percentage of students in the school that exceed standards in English Language Arts on the GHSGT. 2. The percentage of students in the school that exceed standards in math on the GHSGT.
Poverty Index - Measures how well a school is performing relative to its poverty rate. A score above zero indicates better than expected perfor-mance, below zero indicates lower than expected performance, and zero indicates that the school is performing as expected.
Poverty Rate - The percentage of students eligible to receive free/reduced-price lunch provides an indicator of the poverty level of the students attending the school.
Additional Information:

u(value) - Upward Movement in State School Rankings and by How Many Places**
d(value) - Downward Movement in State School Rankings and by How Many Places**
n/a - Data Not Available

*based on 2009 data published in 2010
**since our previous 2008 rankings assessment based on 2007 data

If you're looking for more great information on metro Atlanta area public and private schools, follow these links: Atlanta Public Schools and Atlanta Private Schools.


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